The Curse of Arrav is a new master level quest launched on November 6th of this year. To start the quest you will need to first complete the Defender of Varrock and Troll Romance.
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Inventory and gear | Curse of Arrav
Bring your BIS range gear together with a Blowpipe. In your inventory grab the following:
- 3 dwellberries
- a ring of life
- pickaxe
- crossbow and mith grapple
- insulated boots
- a couple of stamina pots
- a range pot
- an antivenom
- a ring of element or lumberyard teleport
- a teleport to trolheim
- Dramen staff and access to fairy rings (POH for eg)
- Food
- a few free inventory slots
Walkthrough | Curse of Arrav
Teleport to DLQ and run North East to start the Quest by talking to Elias White.

Press yes and continue the dialogue, then head south and enter the dungeon.

Go in the south eastern corner and search the skeleton to find a mastaba key.

Head to the middle room and search the North skeleton to find a second mastaba key.

Head south on the blue tiles and search the wall.

Pull the lever located just east of the markings then go all the way north following the blue tiles and do the same (search the wall, pull the level, use the key).
Golem fight | Curse of Arrav
Eat an anglerfish to stay safe as the golem can hit you for 28 in three rapid successions (for a total of 84) and open the imposing door to the west and click to attack the goblin with range. Use a range pot and activate rigour and protect from melee before attacking the golem. A blowpipe on rapid does wonders for kiting the goblin around the room.
Coloured tiles maze | Curse of Arrav
Now you will need to cross a maze by finding either a red + yellow way to the other side, or a blue + green.

Enter the room to the west and search the shelves in the north of the room to find a canopic jar (you’ll need a free inventory slot). Enter the room to the south and inspect the murals then head back to Elias where you started the quest. Use the dwellberries on the canopic jar, then use the ring of life and talk to Elias again.
Trollheim | Curse of Arrav
Teleport to Trollheim then walk to the north to the cave entrace that is not marked on the minimap

Turn on protect from melee and enter the cave. Exit the cave using the north exit. You will be at the top of the Trollweiss mountain. Head east and enter the dungeon.

You will have to navigate this dungeon by mining the rubble. Head north and mine the rubble, the loop around, mine some more on the way to finally progress towards north.

Grab the granite tablet and the stone tablet and slate tablet, then head south and mine as much as you can from that side. Return north and go through the east rubble and keep mining the smallest one from all the sides.

Climb up the stairs and talk to Arrav. He will teleport away.
Prep for the final fight | Curse of Arrav
Enter the room just east and then search the south wall in that room (tapestry) with two free inventory slots. Make sure you have the insulated boots, antivenom, stamina, food, prayer pots and ranging pots, as well as the mith grapple and crossbow.
Teleport to the Earth Altar with a ring of elements or lumberyard teleport and meet Elias at the entrance of the dungeon with the armored zombies you unlocked with the defender of Varrock quest.
Sip a stamina dose, put on protect from melee and make a run for the end of the dungeon. Enter the kitchen put on the insulated boots and use the pipe on the south wall of the kitchen to get on the other side. Run to the other end of the room and use the pipe located on the east side of the inner wall.

Once on the other side open the gate to the south and enter the room. Search the objects in the room to find a code key, a decoder strip, and a piece of Mahjarrat notes.
To solve this puzzle first use the strips in order based on the word you are given. I got the code AHED, so I placed strip 1 over A, strip 2 over H, strip 3 over E, and strip 4 over D, then input them in the same order. The number for A, the number for H, for E and then for D. If you fail multiple times you will be taken on the corridor leading to the kitchen (don’t ask how i know)
Mith grapple | Curse of Arrav
After you passed that annoying metal door, it’s time to make use of the crossbow and mith grapple you brought along. Make sure you still have enough supplies for the final boss, Arrav.
Final boss: Arrav | Curse of Arrav
Put back your fighting boots, put protect from melee on and rigour if you brought Range (blowpipe works really well for this fight also since it will help you kill the spawns fast, and dodge the axe Arrav throws at you).
Sip your ranging pot and touch the pedestal with the heart to start the fight. Simply kite Arrav around the room, dodge the axes, and prioritize killing the spawns. You can DPS him down quite easily. Eat and sip prayer pots whenever needed, as you will still take some damage even when protecting.
Watch the cutscene after the fight is over and finish the dialogue to finish the quest.
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