Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

46 Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, June 16, I960. DECATUR HERALD Garden, Lawn. Nursery 49 4917 Household Goods 59 59 18 SPECIAL VALUE: Spring Air Foursome foam Mattress. Matching box springs, washable Masland Duran headboard, adjustable frame est easy rolling casters. Complete 4 piece set (twin sue only) $89.95.

Born Furniture. Atwood. i 59 17 1 AUCTION SALE: Every Toes. 4k Fri. p.m.

35S N. East Avenue. Rich's Auc-tion. Buy or selL 8-9172- 59 16 AUCTION TONIGHT 7:00 P.M. WAREHOUSE AUCTION 15 N.

OAKLAND. PH. MDXI Free Set of Tables Register for the Free set of tables: 1 end tables and 1 coffee table, to be given away tonight COMPLETE LINE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES LOTS AND LOTS OF TOOLS DON HAYDEN, AUCT. -59 17- AUCTION SALE: Every Thursday and Saturday. 7:00 pjn.

Warehouse Auction 615 N. Oakland. or 8-8021. Music, Radio. Television -62 16- ACCORDION, 120 bass, good eandriioa.

$75. Sue Sessions. Latham. Ph. OR 4-5771.

62 18 BALDWIN used grand, in outstanding condition; under half price of new model. WUI take spinet or upright on trade. Terms. George Kreker Music 215 If. Main.

Buy George, by George! 62 17 DE ARMOND pickups for guitars, vio lins, mandolins, and ukes. Ailtop Jttunc House, 111 N. Main. $-1731. -62 18 EMERSON PIANO HOUSE TELEVISIONS: SO new Magnavox sets to be put on sale at Factory Authorized Clearance Prices! Portables, table models, consoles in 21" and also Stereo Phonograph-21" TV combinations.

AU are new sets with full guarantees. 'Legitimate trade-ins win be made from the reduced prices. JUNE RECORD SALE! For purpose el stock reduction, we are reducing the prices on aU types of records! LP and Stereo albums from 99c We invite you to browse at leisure! PIANO RENTAL: Enjoy the advantages of Emerson's succesful piano rental plan. Select the new piano of your choice; $10 wiU deUver. Lesson plans available.

143 N. MAIN PH. 4437 MOTOROLA AUTO RADIOS. $39.95 UP. Payments.

Byers, 1028 N. Main. 62 17 ORGAN, Hammond Spinet trade-in, mahogany, good condition. Plaza TV Music, Fairview Shopping Center. 2-5112.

62 21 TV'S USED: $19.95, you haul; $59.95 up. POWER mower service, repaired at your home. Phone Munson 2-2929. 49 16 TORO- LAWN MOWERS garden hose, lawn supplies Ic tools. Ferma-Sta, 2900 N.

Oakland, open 7 days. 49 16 TREE trimming, spraying, fertilizing, removal, free estimates. 2-4069; 2-7915. Articles for Sale. Trade 51 16 51 'AIR CONDITIONER, used.

Philco ton, Admiral 1 3 ton. Mansfield, 528 N. Water. Ph. 2-6365.

51 22- York, new. Buy now in the crate at big savings and also save 10 federal excise tax. Mansfield, 528 N. Water, 2-6365. 51 16 AIR CONDITIONER, Admiral.

ton, 110 volt. $75. Ph. 8-4525. -51 AIR CONDITIONERS, brand new, Philco 1 as low as $159.95.

Full Factory Warranty. Clark's, 250 N. Park. 51 16 AIR -CONDITIONER, used, 8 ton. complete with water tower.

Will sell very reasonably. Dave Coleman 432 E. Prairie, 4425. Open nights til 9. 51 20 AIR CONDITIONERS, rent G.E.

Vl, 1V4 ton window units. 3-6112. 51 17 AIR CONDITIONERS, furnaces, stokers, new It used. 237 E. Eldorado.

9-1688. 51 16- BrLLFOLDS, $2 up. Stud boxes, 308 N. Water. Briefcases, $7.50 etc Decatur Trunk, -21- BOILER.

A-l Kewanee 3R7 boiler, 8 years old. 2600 sq. ft steam radiation. Burner, pump and controls. Like new.

Smith Bros. Plumbing it Heating. 2035 N. Jasper Ph. 8-4661.

5121 BROWNING 2 shot automatic shotgun. like new. Skeet barrel. $100. 7-6537.

-51 18- CARRTER AIR CONDITIONERS, new low prices. Terms. Byers, 1028 N. Main. CALCIUM CHLORIDE.

Stops dust, dries basem*nts. Lilly's. 490 S. Franklin. .5293.

51 16 COOLERATOR 1 H.P. 115 volt, air conditioners, Stauber's Appliance Dept. SIcH green stamps. 51 17 DIAMONDS: Custom made rings. We set your stones to suit you.

See Walley at riora ac. 51 17 ELECTRIC GOLF CAR, Victor 36 Volt, '58 model, complete with batteries, char ger and Hydrometer. Phone Niles Mil ler or Blanche roiey, sneibyvuic 51 18 ELECTRIC MOTORS: New, rebuilt, re pair, rewinding. Still's Electric Shop, 932-34 W. Eldorado.

$-2722. 51 16 FAN, Ventilating, mounted on 1 ft. stand. $20. CaU 7-2433.

51 17 FLOWER MAKING. Molds. liquid plas tic, wood fibre. Duplex at Fetal tone sup plies. Haines kssick, 122 wuuam.

51 16 FURNACES: sew gas and oil. liquidated merchandise, cabinet blowers below wholesale Controls and repairs. 1142 E. North. 2-4036.

51 19 GOLF club head covers. Do it yourself, $2. Customized from $8. Ball Yarn, 228 W. Main.

51 17 GOLF CLUBS, new ft used, full It oar tial sets; women's. dubs. Complete line sportswear. Ph. 9-7823.

51 21- GOLF CLUBS, Power Bill's Best, match ed set of irons and woods, like new. Cost $250, sell helf price. 74537. 51 16 JET PUMP, Bark's deep well and pipe. r-n.

s-8383 after p.m. Jl 16 LUGGAGE, choir robes, dishes, curtains, match-stick drapes, etc. 3-2325. 51 16 MOVIE CAMERA. Riviera.

I mm. model 80. Ph. 8-3786 after C. 51- OH AND GAS CONVERSION burners.

stokers, steam coils, coal furnaces, blowers. 500 gal. L. P. tanks.

Available at very low prices. Terms. Like new Ph. 3-3646. 51 21 PLAY-AROUND play pen and pad.

Yel low and white. Bought last summer for $32. Want $15. Ph. 9-1745.

1129 E. Harri son. 51 18 POP COOLER, electric, large chest type, $25. 3820 E. Grand.

8-8542. 51 22 PORTABLE FANS. 20" 3 speed $19.98: all steel lawn chairs, 1 gallon pic nic jugs. $2.75. Railroad Salvage.

144 E. Leaf land. 51 18 SHOTGUN. 20 gauge double barrel and case; table iop Magic Chef Stove. 1212 E.

Sedgwick. 3-8447. 51 21 SINGER Sewing Machines. Van Deven- ters. authorized dealer in Assumption on vacation.

See us July 5 for good deals! STEEL TAPE 100 foot length, special $4.95. Freight Sales. 2705 N. Water. -51 16 SWIM FINS, Masks, Ear 4: Nose plugs.

caps, swim trunks, nylon racing suns for girl s. Black's. 125 fc. North. 51 16 TABLE SAW, in.

tilt arbor. Complete for $65. Can see between a.m. and 5 p.m. Harold Fuehrer.

Boody. 51 18 THEATRICAL SUPPLIES: Stein's make up, mascara, eye shadow, false eye lashes, etc. Ewing's, 753 N. water. 51 17 VACUUM cleaner hose, disposable bags.

All types. Pippin Electric, 9-7427. 51 16 VORNADO electric reversible window fan. Small apt or trailer size. $-4284.

51 16 WATER HEATER, electric, oil conver sion burner, like new. 1410 S. 31st, John Bork. 51 16 WINDOW FANS REPAIRED. Blades, switches.

Frxmasters, 311 N. State, 8-9771. 51 16 ANTIQUES, collector items, parts. Open afternoons daily and Sundays. The White earn.

Mason city. ill. BAsem*nT CLEARANCE, Ironrite lron- er, 7 ft. pool table, assorted size fish aquarium and equipment, brand new, never used. HO trains and accessories.

CaU 8-1267 or inquire 1480 W. Macon. 51 22 CALL BEAUTYRAMA. 3-0491 for vaca tion specials and evening appointments. we give it Stamps.

51 18 CHILD'S TRACTOR kiddy car, fire engmu. tricycles, bicycles and scooters. Will trade. After 5 p.m. weekdays.

1836 rrairie. 51 21 ELIMINATE rusty water from your wa ter softener. Use "Iron-Oat," Morton's salts, consumers Feed, 701 Van Dyke. FATHERS DAY Spinning reels and rods at big discounts. ituperrs sport snop 530 N.

Water 51 17- FISHERMEN: new formula alfalfa dough bait. Generous supply $1, p.p. Bait Enterprises, Box 92, 111. 51 16 FUEL-LESS or gas-fired refuse burners. miy s.

490 s. Franklin. 51 20 "GYM DANDY" Sale: Swines. Slides. etc.

Best prices in town. Kiddie Korner Toy Hospital. Northland Shopping Ct. -51 17- aeuverea ana guaranteed, iv Tom 1255 South Sine Dr. Ph.

8-4383. Open nights. 62 It Articles for Sale, Trade 51 ji-i6 NEW GUILTS, hand mad. $5. Call 34372.

-51 16 YOU HAVE LESS labor, no waxing, so tell your neighbor about Glaxo linoleum coating. Linn It Scruggs. Boats and Accessories 52 -52 17- ACCESSORIES, glasoar boats. Gator trailer and the- new Johnson Sea Horse outboard motors. See them.

Buy' them at George's Marine Sales, 1227 -E. Wood. 2-7905. 52 18 1 ALUMA-CRAFT, new 12' and 14'. fish ing; i used wood fishing boat and trader.

White's. Shelbyville. Tel. 828. 52 22 BOAT Rentals iz Sales.

Weekend Specials on boats, motors it trailers. Your Gale 4r Lone Star Dealer, Fisher's Landing, Rea's Bridge, Decatur, 3-7689. 5218 BOAT, 14 plywood, fibreglass, $65. 1957 Evinrude. 15 1135: 1956 Johnson $100; 1959; Clinton 5 p.

$75. 544 w. mexory point Ph. 7-2422. 52 22 BOAT SPACES for lease Floater's Dock.

S. Maffit. Ph. 4067. 52 22 BOAT, MOTOR and trailer insurance.

Broad-form coverage. $3.50 per. $100. Call 9-7131. 52 17 BOAT.

1948 Thompson 16', glass bottom: 35 n.p. jonnsoa Motor, used 15 heavy duty trailer, like new; all for $750. Ph. TaylorviUe VA 4-4333. 52 16 Buy A Boat ft Motor Today Complete line of new 1960 Kvinrude Mo tors for immediate delivery.

New Crownline Fiberglass boat Mirro Craft boats. Richline aluminum boats, new 1959 and 1960 Harris Flote Botes for 1m mediate delivery. Large selection of used boats-and motors, $95 up. No money down necessary. COFFEY-AUTO MARINE 990 N.

WATER, 8-4331 -52 16 CRIS CRAFT, 1957 17 105 p. engine. just like new: Benton Motors, 545 rJ. William, 3-3456. 52 18 CROSBY, see the new 15 ft.

Hurricane and 17 ft. Capri, also Gator trailers. H. Bland Son, Bethany, TeL 101R2. S9 in CROSBY, 1958 runabout, 30 b.p.

John son electric motor. Ph. 53283 Steward- son, lit 52 19- FAMTXY (8) or ski; Lone Star Holiday 16-. 45 h.p. Mercury electric.

$995, Ph. 9-7882. 52 22- JOHNSON MOTORS, Arkansas Traveler boats. Holsclaw Trailers. News (1 Sport Shop.

Sullivan Ph. 5131. 52 19 SCOTT outboard motors. Sales at Serv ice. Giastron runabouts.

$660 on up. Tee-Nee it Spartan trailers. Decatur Boat Shop. 1321 N. Oakland.

8-8892, 52 16 SEA KING motor. 12 h.p.. Hke new. Phone 3-0690. 52- -17- SEA KING outboard motor, 12 h.p.

373. rnone 3-1B34. 52 17- SPEEDLTNER, 14 ft wooden boat. 23 h.p. Johnson, hoist, dock space.

$800. 3-9897. 52 22 STAR CRAFT aluminum fishing boats. $169.50 up. Boat letters, nfe Jackets horns, lights, paddles, anchors.

Special on fire extinguishers, $12.95. screeton 2773 N. Main, 2-7924. 52 20 THOMPSON. 14 ft Cedarstrip with trail er: used 15 ft.

Shell Lake fibreglass; 2 real good 16 ft. fibreglass Boats, motors and trailers. Plummer'a Sinclair Serv ice, Bement. Til. 3501, Baildlnt Materials S3 -53--16 ATTICS REMODELED into that 3rd or 4th bedroom.

Complete service. Nothing down, 5 years, J. J. Swartz 7-zsii. 53 20 ALUMINUM SIDING, top quality only, ex- pertly applied.

Free estimates. Best references, B. C. Mac Co. Ph.

8-0573. S3 18 ALSTDE ALUMINUM weatherboard ing (t in. and 4 in.) smooth or embossed. Insulated or hollow; Thirteen colors. Wholesale and retail; free estimates.

Stude- baker Co. 1057 N. Water. 4383. 53 23, ANCHOR septic tanks, steps, rails, col umns, splash blocks, cement, cue.

8-0940. 53 16 ANCHOR septic tanks, steps, rails, coj nmns, splash blocks, cement, tile. 53 21 ASPHALT DRIVES: White rock. Midstate Asphalt Ph. 8-0113.

After 5. 7-2871. i 53 17 BARRACKS LUMBER for sale. Most sections. See Shirley HoweU, Mulilrin University, between 8:30 a.m.

and 4:30 p.m. S3 17 CEMENT. Portland. Slip Seal Sewer TUe, Metal Culverts. Sand it Gravel.

Mid land Products, 9-7313. 53 19 CLOTHES LINE poles made of 2" pipe, columns and iron railings. 3-1029. 53 16 DE VAC GLASS walls give you a con vertible living space. A cozy ear-around room one minute, a cool summer porch the next We install size lO'xlfi with 32" glass door enclosure complete with screens.

No down payment, years to pay, only $19.34 per mo. Plan now to enclose your scree ncd-ln porch, ptio or breezeway areas. Call us for rea es. timates. Decatur Tent Awning, 140 IN.

ran Klin. z-ra8 or 3-tyuz. 53 17 DIRT, black, fill. sand, white rock, cin ders, gravel. S763.

3-7639. 53 21- FENCE by Macon County Fence Co. special Fence Sale on chain una Fence. Phone 3-8816 or 8-2685. 53 17 FRENCH DOORS with Sto-a-co alumin um doors' coi nlete, 60 wide, also picture window.

Ph. Mt Zion 3718. 53 16 GARAGES: Homes, porches. drives. Grant it Younger.

3-1704. 3-2661. 53 22- GAS WATER HEATERS, 30 gallon, $49.95, 3 piece bathroom outfit with cast tub. $109.95, with trim. Railroad Salvage, 144 E.

Leafland. 53 16 GRILLS. Guard Rails, Initial No. rings and numbers for storm doors. Perma-Sta, 2900 N.

Oakland. Open 7 days. 53 16 LUMBER, cheap for quick sale. 2283 t. Hickory, seller, METAL sewer it drain tile, fiber pipe.

Thomley Prod. 700 E. Pershing, 8-6012. 53 21 PLUMBING FIXTURES, used. Al condi tion.

Reasonable. Smith Bros. Plumbing it Heating, 2035 N. Jasper, 8-4661. S3 18 PRE-MIX CONCRETE 45 lb.

sack, excel lent lor setting cioines nine posts, etc. West Side Fail-view Plaza. 9-1912. S3 17 "LITE-CHROME gives "Blonde" grain effect to old painted, varnished surfaces without removing old finish. Makes look new.

Talbott's, 223 N. Main. 53 21 SPATTER EFFECT vinyl plastic tile. Good assortment of colors, values to 19c, now 9c ea. Bnnkoetter's.

228 S. Franklin. VINYL PLASTIC TILE, assorted colors. Values to 19c, close-out, 7c ea. Brink-petter's, 228 S.

Franklin. 53 16 WARNER'S CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS: 2 sizes, 550 it 750 delivered and set. Call Mahomet 9. 53-17 WINDOWS, double, 3, $9 each. 2 single windows, 24 $4.50 each.

Ph. 3-9990, 3938- E. Marietta. 5318 BANKRUPT PAINT SALE: $7.35 Value, it $2.98 per gal. Linoleum and tile cement, 98c gal.

Lumber 2x4's, 2x6's, 2 x8 2xl0's. and 4x4 s. Doors (inside, cafe, garage, steel), window screens, sinks, toilets, lavatories. Knotty pine composition board. American 715 n.

Water. 53 18 CASH CARRY Box guttering. 10 ft $1.50 Cedar posts .35 Granulated rock wool, per bag .75 2x4's 8 ft. K.D. .49 Jake Hughes Lumber 1841 Rd.

3 Blocks South of Rts. 47 and 41 4862, 8-6232 Open Mon. Thru Sat HI CLOSED ON SUNDAY 59 BEDROOM SUITE, blonde, like new, used less than 3 months, seU now for $75. Warehouse, 662 E. Cerro Gordo.

-59 21- BEIGE loop broadloom. Roll end. 12 worth $84, now $49. Bnnkoetter's 221 S. Franklin.

-59 16 BUNK BEDS, (1) floor sample set finish slightly scratched, at Bargain Basem*nt" reduced- price of $45 including (2) good springs, sturdy ladder and a guard rail. At WoUe's. 59 16 CABINETS, kitchen, all steel, slightly marred floor samples reduced now to $6 to $15. Bases. 2 door Utility, Wall Cabinets.

Wolfe's, 246 E. North. 59 19 CARPET and pad. slightly used. 11x25, rose oeige, 8175.

8-9213. 59 17-s CHAIR, platform rocker style, dark red. sis. 1217 li. water.

59 18- CHROME dinette set, good condition, $25. Ph. 7-2025. -59- CHROME LEG DINETTE SUITE, a floor sample reduced greatly. Has a mammoth, "banquet" size table with mar-proof plastic top and (6) Deluxe type, tuck cushion seat and back chairs.

Table top has extra large leaf. 7 pieces now $100. Was $129.95. At Wolfe's. 59 16 CURVED SECTIONAL SOFA, Boor sam ple, 3 piece "Kroehler" with foam cushions, high grade "upholstery, now S130.

was $209.95. At WoUe's. uesks, new, kneehole with full size tops. Maple or Walnut. $29.50.

At Wolfe's. 59 16 DINETTE SUITE, used, piece, $17. Warehouse. 662 E. Cerro Gordo.

-59 22- DTNTNG TABLE, round oak. 6 chairs, extra leaves; dinette table and chairs: floor lamp, table lamps, pinup lzjnps; iron; feather pillows; bed com forts; 9x17 rug pad. Trombone. 24' Emerson window fan. like new.

1356 W. Decatur, call week day afternoons. 59 20 DINING ROOM Sets, $25 Up: 54" round table, $6.50. American 715 Water. 59 17 DINING ROOM suite, Duncan Phyfe Ma hogany, 6 chairs, extra leaf, like new.

Nothing down $1.25 wk. Warehouse Auc tion. 615 N. Oakland. Ph.

8-8021. 5916- -1 ELECTRIC RANGE, gasoline washer, glass shower door. W01 sacrifice, building leased. See Grafton Mason, 60 In dustry Ct 59 FREEZERS. used.

Choose from upright or enest models. Example: 1 cu. ft Norse upright only $89.95. Completely reconditioned and guaranteed. Easy terms.

Emerson's Appliance Center; S34 E. Eldorado, open nttes. Free parking. 59 16 G. E.

RANGE, used, extra nice. $60. Fngidaire refrigerator. Cold-Wall model, across the top freezer, used, $100. Stauber's Appliance Dept SitH Green stamps.

59 17 G.E. ROnSSERIE-OVEN bakes, broils. bar-bKiues and rotisserizes automatically. Use it indoors, outdoors, summer or winter! 5 day home trial. $5 down, $5 mo.

Illinois Power, 134 E. Mam, 4 121. HTDE-A-BED with new sUp covers. 40. 1212 Lincoln Park 8-5701.

59 17 KENMORE WASHER-Dryer Combination! four months old: can't move, wm sen for only balance owed or assume pay ment save z-iaso, 59 18- LIVTNG ROOM SUITE, good condition $25; vanity $3: metal ironing board ABC washer and I square tubs $7. Z3a Frame. PB. t-9900. 59 17 LIVING ROOM, dining room and kitchen furniture.

(2) 9x12 rugs; gas stove; re frigerator: washing machine. 1252 Morgan, upstairs. LIVING ROOM furniture, piece suites, $10, $15. Lounge chair, $12. Wal nut pull-up chairs, $5.

Platform rocker, so. At woue s. S9 16 MAPLE DINETTE SET: Round table with formica top, 4 mate's chairs, $129. Good's, 237 N. Main.

-59 MIRRORS, new, finest plate glass for doors, walls. $3.95, $7.95. $9.75. WoUe's. 59 16 PLATFORM LOUNGE ROCKERS, new.

Factory salesroom samples, fine "Berk- line. King of comfort chairs, upholster ed in fine Nylon. Choice $39.95. Regular $54.50. Wolfe's.

246 E. North. 59 18 POKER TABLE, mahogany hand finish, ed. and 8 matching chairs. Mangle iron, Speed Queen; steamer trunk, matching end table; co*cktail tables.

8-4808 after 5 pjn. weekdays or an day Sunday. 59 16 RANGES, used gas and electric Rusk Appl. 535 N. Water.

34445. 59 18 REFRIGERATORS, used. Largest selec tion of 2 door refrigerator freezer combinations. Over 15 models to choose from. Priced as low as $119.95.

AU reconditioned and guaranteed. Easy terms. Emerson's Appliance Center. 534 E. Eldorado.

Open nites. Free parking. 59 16-- REFRIGERATORS for rent: G.E. cu. ft $6 month.

3-6112. 59 17 REFRIGERATORS, used, $25 and up. Payments low as $1.25 per wk. B. F.

Goodrich. 317 W. Wood. Ph. 5258.

59 22 REFRIGERATOR A-l condiUoncross top freezerf braided oval rug, 12x15, almost new; folding screen, shutter type. 2-0772. 3815 W. Main. 59 16 REFRIGERATORS.

A-l condition and guaranteed. Rusk N. Water. 3-8445. AppL Co- 535 59 18- SECTIONAL, 2 piece; platform rocker; chifferobe, misc.

CaU 8-6266. 59 17 SIMMONS HTDEABED, newly covered in 1007 nylon. 1718 N. Main. 59 16- SOFA, floor sample of a "Kroehler" de luxe.

Early American style with fine linen print upholstery and 1007 foam rubber cushions reduced to $185. Was $239.50. Wolfe's, 246 E. North. 59 16 SOFA-BED, used, Simmons, good.

$35. Warehouse, 662 E. Cerro Gordo. -59- SPEED QUEEN electric dryer, the most deluxe model. Stainless steel tub.

Floor sample, $199.95. Speed Queen wringer washer, the most deluxe model. Stainless steel tub and automatic timer. Floor sample, $149.95. Staubers Appliance Dept SitH Green stamps, 59 17- STUDIO COUCH, sacrifice for quick sale.

Excellent condition. 2-1380. -59 16 TWIN BEDS COMPLETE, new, with in nersprine; mattresses and box springs, HoUywood styles with headboards, only $99 for (2) complete wolle's. 59 21 VACUUM CLEANERS, new, uprights. 1959 models.

Vx price. TV Tom's, 1255 South Side Dr. Ph. 8-4393. Open nights.

VALENTINE SEAVER. ultra-fashion up holstered pieces. For good trade-ins go to Tomlinson's, Macon. (Open Tues. and Fri.

tU 8:30.) Fh, Macon RO 4-3335. 59 18 WASHER, FRIGID AIRE automatic, all porcelain model with water temperature controls. Completely reconditioned and guaranteed. Only $69.95, includes delivery and normal installation. Easy, terms.

Emerson's Appliance Center, 534 E. Eldorado. Open nites. Free parking. 59 16 WASH STAND: Hanging lamp; mahog any secretary.

2295 E. Clay. 59- III- WASHERS, used, automatic and wringer. dryers, A-l. Busk appliance 535 N.

water. 3-8445. 59 16 WTLLETT SOFA. Tops in comfort and construction. You be amazed at the low, low price.

MUler Furn. 1620 Tay-j lorvuie Kd. Decatur. 5921 WOOL WILTON "Gay Times, in Beige. six worth $190, now $125.

Bnnkoetter's. 228 S. Franklin. ALL USED washers, dryers, hot water heaters, refrigerators and TV sets at ridiculously low prices! Money back guarantee, easy terms. Clark's, 250 N.

Park. 5918 BARGAINS-CLOSE-OUTS 12 PRICE Maple oval co*cktail table ($39.95) $19.95 Maple drop leaf end co*cktail Table ($49 J5) $24.95 Maple step end table ($39.95) $19.95 Maple step chairside table ($31.95) $11.95 QUIGLES, Sit N. MAIN Household Goods Household Goods 59 16 59 BIG CARPET SALE! Tweed carpeting -foam rubber back Reg. $5.95 sq. yd.

Sale $3.99 sq. yd. An nylon-assorted patterns it colors Reg. $7.95 sq. yd.

Sale $5.95 sq. yd. AH wool assorted oatterns it colors Reg. $9.95 sq. yd.

Sale KSS sq. yd. No Money Down 24 Months to Pay Eldorado 653 E. Eldorado -59 17- CALL NEIL RICH 8-9172 to sell your fur niture, utsnes ana tools. 59 16 CLARK'S Decatur's Largest it Oldest Maytag Dealer.

Wringer washers as low as $79.95. Automatics, $149.95. Dry. ers. $99.50.

See a salesman for big discounts on an models! N. Side Central Park. 59 16 DON'T merely brighten your carpets. Blue Lustre them. Eliminate rapid re- soiiing.

unn at Scruggs 59 GRAND OPENING FREE $400 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE of your choice if you're a lucky winner at our Wishing WeU. Come in and register. Open every evening during the rest of the week. See our extra special prices in our "Budget Shop" down stairs. SALOGA FURNITURE 234 N.

MAIN IF YOU are in need of good used furniture, come to Taylor's, 746 N. Water. we nave all kinds. -59 18- MOVTNG OUT OF TOWN: Furniture for sale inducting living, dining and bedroom suites, baby bed and chest, TV stove, washer and dryer, etc. CaU in person during day at 2076 N.

Main, or teiepnone 3-1620 after 5:00 pjn. 59 17 MOVING out of state. Household goods, Easy spin Dryer washer and ironer. ornamental Iron railing, ladders, band truck, etc C. J.

Gandy. 1048 W. De- catur. 59- -17- NEVER BEFORE have you seen a beautiful 3 complete rooms of new furniture for such a low, low price. $249 and No Money Down.

Warehouse Auction 615 N. Oakland 8-8021 Open Evenings Tu 9 p.m. -59 18- REPOSSESSED FURNITURE 3 ROOMS LIKE NEW OriginaUy $960 No Money Down Balance Due $396 2 Yrs. to Pay 21" TV SET. Philco (across top freezer) refrigerator.

2 piece Uving room suite, (sofa and matching chair) 2 step end tables, 1 coffee table. 2 table lamps. Detroit Jewel (glass oven door) range, blonde 3 piece bedroom suite; bookcase bed, double dresser, chest, complete wiu manress and spring. Large chrome table and 4 chairs. AU or part can be bought BANKRUPTCY' APPLIANCES Hotpoint automatic washer Bendix Gas Dryer FuU Size Gas range Maytag Automatic Washer 69.95 $77.00 33.00 and Dryer $146.00 neivinaior Automatic Washer 73.00 Maytag Wringer Washer, aluminum tub 65.00 ROGERS -Underwriters Salvage 650 E.

Wood Daily Ph. 8-0814 -Sun. 1-5 -59 16 Save 20 to 50 During Our Big BUY OUT SALE! AN EXAMPLE: Regular $269.95, 4 piece, bedroom suite. triple dresser $168 $5 DOWN DELIVERS SEE IT IN OUR WINDOW! Foster's Furn. Go.

143 E. Main Ph. 4291 -59- THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE For qua litv esoectsllv -in You feel the difference in the way von sleep the way you feel when you wake up. Our fine orthopedic mattress gives you perfect body support; ideal for rowing cnuaren or those with back uvuoie. loo.

uur low price. SS5. SCHWARTZ FURN. 841 N. WATER -59 20- USED FURNITURE and appliances.

Au tos, usea rurnirure, 1436 N. ii'innjt 59 16 Warehouse AT COHN FURNITURE'S story ware- auusc, turner at Morgan ft North. 12 Noon to 9 pjn. today- -the most fabulous warehouse' sale in the history of Decatur! Sensational bargains- aU new furniture. Anything you need tor your nome? Hurry to the big warehouse, lust 1 block east nf rw.n rurniiure.

-59 16- WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! EXAMPLE: 20" Portable Window Fan REG. $32.95 NOW $17.77 CASH CARRY! OPEN EVERY NTTE MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Amber Furn. Co 124 8. WATER PHONE 4622 SALE Ifcmera' Markets 48 -19- CHESTER WHITE GILTS. (12).

Bred to Duroe boar; farrow July and Aug. Mon-tkeUoSKH. -18- COMBTNES 2 No. 15 Oliver. Rakes; Oarer 107 rake, Ferguson rake, Oliver 22B mower, Oliver SO power take off baler.

Tractors, 170 good 1880 HC, 700 new guarantee, 177 and 288 diesel Oliver tractors. WC Allis Cbaimers and cultivator. Shelbyville Farm Machinery, Oliver Dealers, ShelbyvUle. Tel. 184.

48 18 COMBINES: Several Used in good condition. All excellent boys! Gene Wal lace Windsor, GL 9-2512. 48 16 COMBINES: IH display samples at big discounts. No. 101 10 ft.

S. P. $4450. No. 7 7 ft.

P.T.O. $1,395. Lyle Ever- soie, HinasDoro, pn. 3. 48 17 COMBINES: 1952 12A, PTO: 1652 64" IHC, PTO; 1951 AC.

PTO: 1952 Oliver 6' PTO. Century Farm Equipment, Tower Hill. 4818 COMBINES: 1956 A-l. John, Deere 55-45 and Oliver 3S with choppers. Almost new Oliver 4 row rotary hoe.

ABG 400 John Deere cultivator. New John Deere 2-14T baler. F. H. Bland ft Son, Beth' any.

Tel. 101B2. 48 18 COMBINES: 1954 IH 127 SP with pickup reel and straw chopper; 1954 Massey. Harris model 88 with 12 ft. heeder and chopper; 1954 Massey-Harris model 80 with 10 ft.

header. Schults Howell, IH Dealers, Arthur, Tel. 5. 48 21 CRITIC FEEDS: Pig, sow Ic hog pellets, shorts, bran, calf mama, kaffa, beet pulp. Consumers Feed, 701 Van Dyke.

48 16 CROP SPRAYERS TRAILER SPRAYER. 2 drum capacity wita zi rt. aluminum Doom, high pres sure pump with 8 nylon rollers. Handles all spray chemicals. Develops up to 350; lbs.

of pressure. Regular $239.50. Sale Rotary Hoe: 2 row and 4 row now on display. See us before you Bay! Montgomery Ward Farm Store 418 E. William Ph.

5876 -48 18- CULTrVATOR SWEEPS, 10" and 12" compute wits, half Close-Oat prices, 2-row, $795; $4 $1395. Tto- lock s. Assumption. -48 18- iAJi.mnivn. usea uuvcr -rnw, extra good with wheel eradicatar.

$295. Tru- lock Assumption. 48 16 CULTIVATORS: MltH 4 row, cheap: awst row, food. 53- 1UH comiune, good, 375. Doehxing Windsor.

48 18 CULTIVATORS. (2) used 4-48'. Tractors: 1957 IH 450 diesel: 1940 and 1947 M's; 1940 LP gas. Geo. H.

Dunn. Farmer City 2154. 48 21 D4 diesel Cat with new railing and blade. Ferguson with scoop and back hoe; International automatic baler; Ford com bine; Ferguson mower. Lloyd Barlow, TaylorviUe.

Route Ph. VA 4-2484. 48 22 ELEVATORS. (3) used; (2) 1956 4-row JD planters. Hoffman Ram sey, Ph.

92. 48 21 i- FEED PANS for show cattle $1. Garver Feeds, 222 Wabash Ave. SALE On Hog Feed Ton lots, $5 per ton discount, plus special prize. June 15 thru 30th.

N'rantic Farmers Grain. Co. -48 18- FERGUSON MOWER, 7- ft. size, very good. Bargain at $95.

Tmlock's, Assumption. 4820 FORD TRACTOR, model 9N with sickle bar mower, hydraulic controlled, in good condition. 8-6151. 48 17- Ford Tractor 1959 model '871 with end loader and wide backet. Speed-O-Matie drive, power steering, wheel weights and water in tires, lights and new type seat Perfect condition.

Only 90 hours. Bargain! CALL 3-8908 -48 21- FUL-O-PEP. Molasses Cattle Pellets, ton. Garver Feeds, 222 E. Wabash.

$60 -48 22, GRAIN STORAGE Farm buildings; complete Butler grain drying storage bins and buildings. Let us plan and quote you on your special requirements. Agri-Structures. Fred Lescher. 140 Greenrklge Dr.

7-2431; Eve. 3-3076. 48 17 GRASS CATTLE. 30 head. 350 to 400 lbs.

Jim Ray. Rock Springs Rd- -48 16 HAMPSHIRE pigs, 6. Ph. 9-7127. 5263 wuiiam St Hd.

-48 16 CONDITIONER, Oliver, like new. $550. 7 mi. east of ShelbyvUle. Ph.

Windsor, GL 9-2364. 48 18 -Hay Tools, New Txl4 barge bed and sides $139.50 xl2 barge bed and sides 1.19.50 Oliver 320 mower. 7 149.50 Oliver 355 mower. 7 249.00 Oliver one wheel pun mower 275.00 19S0 hay conditioners 668.00 COT Oliver baler, twine 1295.00 COW Oliver baler, wire 1395.00 68 New Holland baler, twine 1395.00 68 New Holland baler, wire 1495.00 Oliver pull mower 275.00 Holland twine 7.95 3150 wire, 14V4 gauge 9.25 C500 wire, 14V4 gauge 9.60 Oliver No. 5003 wagon gear 109.50 Trulock's Assumption 48 18 HOLSTETN STEER CALVES 14 head, wt, around 300 to 350.

Virgil Collins, 3 miles West, Moweaqua. 48 17 HOLSTEIN baby calf. Wayne Yundt, east Forsyth. -48 21- HOLSTETN cows and heifers. Raymond Lipe, Nokorms 8334.

1 48 17 HORSES: Appaloosas It P.O.A. Ponies; Edgar Hadden Pony Farm. Ph. 7226 Blue Mound. HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR: Halsey'i 235 E.

Eldorado. 8-1751. 48 18 TH 448 cultivator; MM UTU tractor; IH 400 tractor: IH 101 SP combine; Case A6 combine; New Holland 77 twine baler. Heckman Chev. It Imp.

Cerro TeL 8861. 48 17. TH ROTARY HOE. new No. 41.

4 close out price. Special prices on new 4 row planters. C. O. Funk It Son, Be- ment.

Ph. 4501. (8 18 INTERNATIONAL MOWER 7 ft, will trade or sell for livestock. Ph. Mt Zion 3292.

18 INTERNATIONAL, 1958 A 160 cab and chassis, long wheel base, new paint, $1795. International Harvester 400 E. Main. 48 22- JOHN DEERE 2 No. 30 combines and (2) N.

45 combines, 19598 at discount prices. Downey Imp. Oreana. Ph. Argenta 3780.

48 16 JD 55, 1957 combine with chopper, pow er steering and Scour Kleen, $3995. Stahl Imp. Mt. Pulaski, SW 2-5516. 48 18 LANDLEVELERS, Evemnan supersensitive automatic that over fills low spots.

to take care of settling. New, used. $325 up. Hydraulic 2-3 cu. yd.

scrapers for 3-4 tractors. Rex Farm Stores. Taylor- ville. 111. 48 16 LEATHER REPAIR: Harness, saddles.

etc Also custom work. 2-1800. 48 22 LIVESTOCK: Hay. and misc. Macon County Sale Barn, every 12 noon.

'3-3121. Don Dipper, 3-6097. 48 17 MASSEY-FERGUSON No. 12 baler, new. regular $1750; now $1275.

1992 CA Allis Chalmers wi mi plow ana cuiuvator, svao. 1958 $2 SP cWbine $4300. (8) 7' Clipper combines rebuilt and ready to go, $375 and up. 1953 Super 27 S.P. combine, rebuilt $2509.

Massey Ferguson, Shelbyville, Tel. 38. 53 -53 17- A VINYL FLAT PAINT -for $4-93 yes, in beautiful decorator colors with matching eggshell enamel. Bityeu's Paint ft 1408 N. Oakland.

Ph. 3-0222. -53 21- CLOSE-OUT. limited color selection of vinyl plastic tile worth up to 19c now 4c ea. Bnnxoe Iter's 228 S.

Franklin. -53 22- CUSTOM CABINETS, free range hood witn every built in range and oven. Free estimates. Ph. 3-5318.

Denton's Cab- met shop. -v 153 20 FREE fence estimates. Let us solve your fencing problems. General Fence 2727 N. -Water.

8-7831. 53 16 "HAMBONE" "SUPERMARKET: A place where you travel fanner man your money." SAHARA Water. Proof Paint REG. $7.05 GAL. DISCONTINUED COLORS $3.98 Gal U.

8. PAINTS $47 W. Eldorado Free Parking USED. LUMBER. Ix6's.

Ix4's, 3x5'i. Phone 3-7408. -S3 22- USED PIPE angle iron, channels, I beams, and plates at savings up to 70. Sol Tick ft 901 E. Eldorado.

S3 17 USED LUMBER; 2x4's, 2x6's, sheeting. Sell reasonable. 9-7002 after 5. 53 It WIGGIESAYS: THE ONLY THING that makes more noise than a neighbor mowing his lawn Ion Sunday morning is -a wife making uuu uu ci. 4x8xH Sheathing Plywood $2.95 4x8xVi Sheathing Plywood $3.90 4x8x Sheathing Plywood 4x8xs Exterior Plywood $4.45 $4.25 Canfeld-Lucas Pay and Pack Save Your Jack 2540 N.

Broadway Ph. 24142 Open 7:304:011 Cash Carry -Sat. 'Til Noon -18- You Can Have All The Hot Water You Need With Just a phone can to Wards. In 24 hours, your heater can be replaced with a new. big 30 glass lined, natural gas water beater and for only $5 down and $5 a month.

It's guaranteed for 10 years. Replacement only. Installed, $89.88 CaU Montgomery Ward. Plumbing Dept. ra.

74. -5320- 2xlOS ship lap. flooring, inside doors and trim, water meter, windows. 528 w. Decatur.

Business St Office Equipment 84 54 20 AIn CONDITIONER. 5 ton, used, com plete with tower, good condition. 84661. 54 16 FILE CABINETS. fuU suspension.

4 drawer. 2 drawer desk high, $39.75. Cosco secretarial chairs, new, $29.95. Office machines and supplies. sattley s.

1123 N. water. Pb 54 17 OFFICE FURNITURE: grey steel desk and Cosco chair: filing cabinet with Safe Compartment: Rex-O-Graph du- plkator; large roll-around fan; Smith Corona, portable typewriter, three odd chairs; coat and hat tree; various small pieces of office equipment: $-6321 be tween 10:30 and 4 or 2-1380 after PORTABLES, cleaned, oiled, adjusted, ribbon special. $9.40. Utterback's.

2-3309. 54 16 REMINGTON RAND typewriter. $50. Can ne seen at 133 w. wuuam.

54 18 TYPEWRITERS, rental, sales it service. Ebers. 252 N. Park. 3-4824.

54 17 TYPEWRITERS St adding machines, new and used. Sales, Service, Rentals. Easy terms. Taylor's. 169 s.

Jasper, 9-1322. 54 17 TYPEWRITER RENTALS. $3-50 1 New and used machines for sale. Guaranteed repair service. Linxweiler's.

259 s. park. SitH green stamps. Fuel Dealers. Haulers 56 -s 1- BOTTLE AND BULK GAS.

Sales it Serv ice. 500. 750. 1400 gal. propane tanks.

rental or lease. Hicksgas-Decatur. 547 S. Franklin. Ph.

t-4656. 56 21 BOTTLE AND. BULK gas L. P. cylinder tanks dual sale and rental, space heater furnaces.

LP or natural. Macon United Propane. Forsyth, Di. Decatur 9-2378. 56 21 BOTTLE GAS.

SHELLANE service for cooking, water heating, clothes drying, TV Tom's. Ph. 8-4393. Open nights. 56 17 BUY right from Wright.

Sinclair L. P. gas. 2-1167. Moweaqua PO 56 21 NO MOISTURE DAMAGE when fuel tanks are kept fuU! Gulf Solar.

$-1514. PROPANE gas: Buut'or bottle. 500 ot 1400 gal. tanks for sale or lease. Sieg.

ler duo-therm gas and oil heater in stock. Fleetwood Oil Moweaqua. Tel. PO 8-4411 After 5:30 MlCOB RO 4-3606. Good Things to Eat 57 -57 16 BEEF! Special prices on beef for your home freezer.

Carl's Market, Sawyer at Monroe. 3-3071. 57 18- FRYERS, white, 3H $1 each $1.25 dressed. 2-6958. 57 17 OLEO.

8 lbs. for bread, loaves for 33c; rolger-s coffee. 2 lbs. for $1.19. Tolly's Food Store, 113 E.

Wood. 57 18 STRAWBERRIES, yon pick them, 15c qt. varieties, caur uoweu, anna. Hi. 57 16 STRAWBERRIES: Watermelons, Ice cold or warm; Geranium, vegetable and flow- er garden plants.

Hendricks Drive In Market, 2960 N. Water. -57 19 STRAWBERRIES, pick your own in 20 acres of new bed Dixieland and Poca hontas. FU1 your freezer now. Beach crop is very ugnt.

uienn Ernst 2 ml. north Fanna on Rt 37. 5716 STRAWBERRIES, place your order now. uui i-au aner z. 57 16 SI HAWBERRIES.

Chapman's, 2 mt east Turpin Station. Mt. Zfcm 4178. 57 16 WATERMELONS, 5c lb. Rioe and iiiic.

uoyu 000. wemer, av w. urana. open nours daily. 57 22 CHOICE grain fed cattle, fed by Samuel reputation cattle feeders.

Vi beef 45c Vi hog 27c Clinton Packing Co. Ph. 9202, Clinton. 5718 CROW'S MARKET: New Red Potatoes. 10 lbs.

39c; Fresh strawberries Dally: New Red 10 lbs. 39c; Fresh Strawberries Daily. 2697 N. Water. 57 17; PLACE your order now for 30 lb.

tins of strawberries, cherries, blackberries, black raspberries. Beef patties for your grill, $2.75 (5 box). Front quarters Beef 47c processed. Locker Available now. East Side Locker.

Ph. 2-3812. Honsebold Goods 59 -17- APT. RANGE, bottle gas, hook-up, $25. Large Nesco electric roaster.

$35. Ph. 3-1963. 59 16 BEDROOM furniture, used. Dressers, chests, twin and fuU size beds, $4 to $17.

Warehouse, 662 E. Cerro Gordo. -59- BEDROOM SUITES, new, solid walnut, (not with finest interior con-struction and made by a nationally advertised Choose from 25 A 3 piece group as little as $129.50 for your bedroom. Wolfe's. 59 17 BEDROOM SUITES.

$49.95 and up; chroma breakfast set. $11.50. $51 N. Water. St II CHAIRS, 2 occasional fruitwood, barrel- anaped.

like new. 5022. Bolldlnc Materials tti 1 -48 18- JOHN DEERE, 1951, tractor, priced to sell. 1942 Oliver 60, ready to go. Mccormick Farm Equip.

Store, E. on Rt. 16, Mattoon. 48 18- JOHN DEERE 45 with corn attachment; 25 JJ. with chopper, Massey Super 88 combine.

Priced to sell. BoydVRocden, Route 48, TaylorviUe. 48-16 MH 4 row corn cultivator; JD narrow row bean cultivator; Tryco 6-row tractor mounted sprayer. Maroa Imp. Tel SY 4-3704.

NTI'I'Ub'MA Xtnm Sntmlmn. 1 nm fan discount June iota tnrougn zstn. Mtr Auburn Grain Co. Ph. Mt.

Auburn 3252. 48 18- OLTVER CULTIVATORS, new No. 640, 1960 models with fender shields, 19 sweep front, 2 sweeps in rear, $595. Plenty on hand. Tmlock's, Assumption.

48 17 PIGS, 12 Duroc, weanlings. J. F. Or gan, Maroa. SY 4-3863.

48 22- PONY VEHICLES: Viceroys, Top buggies, wagons, carts, stage coaches, chariots. K. w. Thomas, Mt. Auburn, 5514.

48 21 SEED: Certified Shelby and Hawkeye Soybeans. Bohlen Bros. Seed Co. Moweaqua, Illinois. Phone Poplar 8-4513.

48 2K- SIDE DELIVERY RAKE. New Idea, on rubber. Good shape; reasonable. Jack Ferry, Warrensburg, Ph. Latham.

OR 48 16 SOWS (3). with pigs. Clyde Hight. Mo- weaqua. FO 8-3287.

48 20 TRACTOR TIRES and tubes, used, rears; 15" and 16" passenger, all sizes; trucks, all sizes. Cooprider Tire Sales, Rt 36 near Long Creek. TeL 3414 Mt. zion. 48 17 WEEDER: 18 ft.

IHC, Never been used. Could be adapted to 4 or 6 row Cultivators. Century Farm Equipment, Tower Hill 4818 WHEEL DISC, used Kewanee A-C side delivery Used Tractors; 1956 WD 45 propane: 14. Cothern Imp, Ramsey. Ph.

107 or Brownstown 2711. 48 17 WHITE ROCKS hatching every Wed. Place your order now! Russ Hatchery It Feeds. 3500 E. William.

Ph. 5031. BUY ESTERON 99. the weed killer most farmers buy. From your Van Horn Dow Chemical dealer, tor information write Van Horn Hybrids, Cerro Gordo.

48 21 CUSTOM baling, wire baler. 15 yrs. Ex perience, can 8-5172 or Bruce imp. at Niantic. 48 IS DISCOUNT SALE ALL NEW HOLLAND PARTS 30 off.

Large stock of baler, rake, and mower parts on hand. SLOAN IMP. CO. ASSUMPTION. IL.

FARMERS! Make us your agricultural. chemical headquarters. 2-4-D and other chemicals available. Macon county serv. 3005 N.

22nd. 48 18 HAWKEYE BEANS suitable for seed. $2.50 per bu. George Johner, Ph. 2582 Warrensburg.

48 18 PREPARE NOW for wet corn with a White Star oxygen free bottom unloading silo for as low as 50c per bushel. Special discount for early order. Also, Even-do silage distributors. Lorn Culumber. Tower HiH, 7-2918.

48 21 QUALITY hay wanted, all kinds timo thy mix. B. Burleigh, stomngton zui. 48 16 SEVERAL extra good No. 8 3-14 and 3-16 plows.

H. R. "Your IH Dealer." Blue Mound. Ph. 1219.

48 18 SPECIAL PRICE on 4 row cultivators. Mower, fast hitch: NO. 27V; 10 blade MH wheel disc: 1956 IH 2 ton truck. Coffee-Kimbrough, Sullivan, 2481. 48 16 TON LOT buyers save on Staley'i Feeds with Mil! Pick-Up Plan.

See standard Hatchery Feed fc Seed, 919 E. Wood for details. 48 17 USED PARTS: Tires and attachments for tractors, combines, pickers, etc Century Farm Equipment, Tower Hill. 48 20 WANT TO BUY used New Holland 66 twine baler, or 45T model. Henry Sheeny, Divers on, S2F21.

48 18 WANTED: Blue grass pastures, suitable tor seea narvesi; iu acres or more, collect for further details, business 2811. res. 2273, Cisco Agricultural Service, Cisco. HI. 48 18 YOU WILL SAVE labor at both ends of your livestock with a "planned for your farm" Moore-Built feeding system.

Moore Farm Building Charleston, HI. 48 18 300 TO 400 lightweight stacker cattle for sale at an tunes. Richardson came Ph. 4575 Marshall, Illinois. 48 22 1955 141 HARVESTER Thrasher, over hauled.

New rotary hoes; 1957 Farmall 450; Farmall cub tractor; 1952 MM. with new style 4-row cultivator; Chevrolet 4 ton truck; 1954 Ford ton with grain sides and stock racks. 1955 Ford, ton with grain sides: 1954 Dodge 4 door: Stan hoist speed jack: 1952 WD 9. power steering; 1945 twine baler; 1955 162 truck with 4-speed transmission and 2-speed axle. McCormick Franv Equipment Oreana, Tel.

Argenta 3721. 48 22 1955 MH. power steering: ZA MM; Worthington low profile model JD MM 4-row cultivator: New Idea side delivery rake; MM uni-tractor It com bine: MM 4 row hoe; MM model shellers with drags. H. A.

Kuhle, MM Farm It Industrial Equipment, 1005 E. Pershing. Garden. Lawn. Nursery 49 -4 AFRICAN VIOLETS: pots, soil, etc.

Rose Knoll Gardens, 1 mile west Assumption "The Pink House" Ph. 4238. 49 21 A-l bagworm spraying and Chinese Elm spraying. Kadchff, 8-0421. 49 18 A-l black dirt.

$8 a load; fill sand and gravel. 9-2216. A-I black dirt, whiterock, cinders. base- ment digging, grading. 8-7826.

49 20- A-l SODDING or special price on sod delivered for 30 days. Call anytime. 3-4340. Logan Smith. 49 18 BAGWORM SPRAYING, walls, patios.

trimming. Dean Landscaping. 2-3082. 49 20- BLACK DIRT, fill dirt. tree removal.

Call 8-4216. 49 19- BLACK DIRT, white rock, sand, gravel. rock, cinders, also hauling. 8-0782; 9-7715. 49 16 BLACK and fill dirt, fin sand, road grav el, jack smith, 1038 E.

Wood, 8-9072. 49-17 BLACK DIRT, fin dirt, fin sand and sodding. 2-8861 or 9-1525 after 3. 49 21 BLACK DIRT, fill sand, crushed rock. gravel.

Any amount 2-6794. BURLAP long strips for seeding. Decatur Bag Processing Plant. 3-3674. 49 21-i CHICK WEED, crab grass ic weed killers; fertilizers, 10-10-10; lawn speeds, peat moss, consumers reed, 701 van llyne.

-49 18- CLOUT, crab grass blaster, quick traction. Also, fertilize with Turf builder. Peck's Hardware, 1102 E. Eldorado. 49 18 COMPLETE YARD work and lawn main tenance.

Ph. 7-2175 49 18 CHRIS ALBERT'S is Rotary Mower Headquarters in Central Illinois. Chris Albert, Rt 121, Warrensburg. 49 20 EXPERT tree work trimming and re moval, insured. 3-11920.

3-6053. GERANIUMS, fancy leaves, scented, ivy. zonal and unusual. Paul Manning 7-2528. 49 20- LAWN MOWING, power mower.

Experi- enced. CaU S-6151. 49 19- LAWNMOWERS, USED: Good reel and rotary types. Big selection. Spalding Hardware.

4307 W. Main. 8-6223. 49 18 MOWER SHARPENING, hand and power, Engine repairs. Guaranteed.

Combs Service, 339 W. Green. 2-1831. 4918 STUMP REMOVAL. Prompt service in sured.

Lourash Tree Service, 3-7396 2-4991; 3-4639. Free estimates. 1921- TOMATOES, per 100; peppers, 25c doz en, no Sunday sates. 1260 Brush College Rd. 1 Farmers' Marketa TV's.

We need to reduce inventory. Lots of floor sample zenith console TV sets in blonde, mahogany, walnut and maple finishes for sale at extra low prices with your old trade-in while they last! Decatur's oldest Zenith Dealer. Stauber's. Appliance Dept Green Stamps. 62 18 TV'S.

USED. General Electric 21 an channel console only $59.95. Admiral 21 all channel for $59.95. Magnavox 21" all channel with new picture tube only $79.95. Motorola 24" an channel console with new picture tube only $99.95.

All these sets are completely reconditioned and guaranteed. Easy terms. Emerson's Appliance Center, 534 E. Eldorado. Open nites.

Free parking. 6217 ZENITH 17" Portable TV, I960 Model. all channel, repossessed. Nothing down $1 wk. Warehouse Auction.

615 N. Oakland. Ph. 84021. 62 22 ALL MODELS TV's serviced til I p.m.

12 til 3 pjn. Sun. Bin Dooley. Ph. $4823.

16 ALS TV calls $2, fixed in borne or no charge. Many weak pix-tubes can be restored again. For information 2-6092 anytime. 62 17 ANTENNAS repaired, replaced or removed. Call 3-5452.

62 ATTENTION ELECTRONIC STUDENTS: Test equipment new guarantee, Vi price. Selling out new TV and radio tubes, wholesale prices. 2-2344. 62 17 AUTO radio services. Knopp Radio.

1029 N. Broadway. Open evenings. 62 21 COME IN and register for a free new lumbal! piano. Hoot Gibson Lowrey Organ Studios, on WTVP our new address, 242 N.

Main. DECATUR TV tube check. Tubes check ed in your home. No charge for service. Pay only for tubes replaced.

Tubes guaranteed 90 days. Ph. t-0069. 65 18 HOUSE OF SOUND, (formerly 141 B. JACK MORRISON'S TV Service.

7 day service 8 a.m. to pjn. House calls 2.50. Call 9-2083, if no answer. $-9717.

Picture tubes electronically restored. S3. 62 18 MUSIC INSTRUCTION ea band orchestra instruments, organ, piano guitars. Qualified teachers. CaU 2-f749 Macon Music.

Inc. 227 N. Main. a 17 ONE DAY SERVICE oa any make tele vision. Freemans.

IZ75 S. Jasper. Ph. 3-2732. 6216 PORTABLE TVS: 14" all channel.

$40; 10" aU channel, $49.95. Trading Post 3612 EX William. 22 TRUCK LOAD new KimbaU Piano Sale to cdeorate opening of our new downtown store. 25 to 20 discount Low as $395 up. Hoot Gibson Lowrey Organ Studios.

242 N. Main. Wanted Bow -17- A CALL warehouse Auction: CIS N. Oakland brings highest prices. Free pickup day or night.

7-2436; $-8021. 66 16 i ALWAYS CALL 8-6814 to seU furniture at highest cash prices. We charge no 66 22 CALL NEIL RICH 8-9172 to seU your fur niture, uisnes and tools. 66 20 CASH for furniture and appliances. Red- man Auction.

1MB N. Broadway. 1-2327; 84229. Sales Wednesday. 7 pjn.

66 -19 CONCRETE MIXER, used: also used travel trailer, 12 to 18'. 8-4693 8 to t. 66 17 HARP, size 17, for .2 young girls. CaU 8-1367. i 66 17; MEDIUM SIZE SAFE, Phone Mr.

Bird 66 17 MEN'S USED SUITS, topcoats, sport coats, jackets, pants. For cash. Staler s. 216 E. Eldorado.

66 25 SHOTGUNS wanted, nay cash rwn in ot U) Miller's, 445 N. Water. 6- WE PAY YOU CASH for good used taid- sure, loois. antiques, etc Call anytime. Adams Furniture Co, Monroe at Pack- aro, 3-iuw.

-66 16- WE BUY DIAMONDS, old gold and old goto cons, creignton's 104 E. Prairie. 3-6114. Rooms for Rent (7 ELDORADO, 356: Newly furnished 1st floor, employed woman. 2-7851.

ELDORADO. 419: Man. Entrance. lavatory. Before 2 or after 7 p.

m. -67 16 PRAIRIE, 527: private entrance. close in. Employed. 2-3304.

17 WATER, 826: Hot and cold water MANY dresses size 12; shoes size 7V4AAA; better hand bags; better hats; mink scarf $35.00 $2.00 to $5.00 books for 50 cents each; Russel Wright odd pieces, pink and blue; 4 piece coffee service; white plant cart; blond Mersman coffee table; traditional desk chair; few small antiques; old brass headboard: white ironstone pitcher and bowl. 2-1380. 51 17- POLLUTED WATER? Make it safe for drinking with a Precision Chlormator. call Nick calameuo. 2-0598.

51 16 SAVE MONEY! Large Pig Bank $1.98, Grumpy Bank $1.98, Bull Bank $1.98. Beamaa's Bargain Center, 2150 E. Locust 51 18 TED WILLIAMS' complete line of rods, reels and bait. Frank's Sport Shop, 702 fuaorado. open sun.

a.m. 5J jr. THE JUNE BRIDE will adore the new Corning Cookware. Goes from refriger ator to top of stove (or oven). Made from the same material as missile nose cones.

Available in fry pans, casseroles (sauce pan) percolators etc. Up from $3.95. Ben (K of D) Miller's, 445 N. Water. 51 16 VACATION AHEAD? Complete line of cameras: slide, movie or snapshot, from $5.95 op.

PfUe'f, 100 E. Prairie. in room. Man. $6..

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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Out of 100,000 people, violent crimes occur in every 697 people and property crimes occur in every 1,206 properties. The total crime is 4.2% lower in Decatur than the rest of Illinois and 18.9% lower than the rest of the country. As such, Decatur IL is a safe place to live.

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Decatur has an economy based on industrial and agricultural commodity processing and production. The city is home to Millikin University and Richland Community College.

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The standard cost of a Herald Premium digital subscription costs $6 per week, charged every four weeks (28 days). Alternatively, you can purchase a full year subscription for $199.

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Otherwise, you can call our customer contact centre on 0800 100 888. Our team works Monday to Friday: 6.30am - 4.30pm and Weekends & Public Holidays: 7am – 10am and we will be happy to assist you. You will need to cancel your subscription directly with Apple and Google.

Why are people leaving Decatur, IL? ›

Increasing state and local tax burdens, combined with stagnant income growth, are going to hurt residents wherever they reside – and give many a reason to leave. Decatur has seen that firsthand.

What is the race population in Decatur Illinois? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Decatur, IL are White (Non-Hispanic) (66.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (23.9%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (4.78%), White (Hispanic) (1.57%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.3%).

How expensive is it to live in Decatur? ›

Decatur is ranked 131 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Decatur is 94.6% of the national average.

What is the main industry in Decatur Illinois? ›

Decatur and Macon County have a strong heritage of manufacturing excellence – making it an ideal location for advanced manufacturing. The manufacturing industry in Decatur is diverse and provides a supportive ingrastructure, raw goods and materials, and available workforce.

What is the cost of living in Decatur IL? ›

Decatur, IL housing is 46% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 11% less pricey. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 18% less in Decatur, IL than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 18% less .

What is the sister city of Decatur IL? ›

The sister cities of Decatur, IL are Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan and Seevetal, Lower Saxony, Germany.

How do I contact the Herald editor? ›

Complaints and requests for editorial corrections or clarifications should be referred to the editor in the first instance, who can be contacted as follows: editor@heraldandtimes.co.uk.

How do I email the Herald Dispatch? ›


How do I email unfortunate news? ›

In my experience, any email giving bad news needs to:
  1. Quickly inform the person of the bad news.
  2. Explain or provide a reason(s) why either the decision was taken or the thing has happened.
  3. Be apologetic.
  4. Provide the person with an opportunity to discuss the situation with you.

How do I email NY review of books? ›

To directly contact a customer service representative regarding magazine subscriptions, email nyrsub@nybooks.com or call toll-free (800) 354-0050.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.