Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (2024)

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Emily Medlock

Emily has thousands of hours clocked in survival games, from ARK: Survival Evolved to 7 Days to Die; she loves the diversity of the genre. Initially skeptical about the theme of Conan Exiles, she quickly became addicted to the game and now recommends it to every survival fanatic she meets. Right now, she's probably in the Tundra on a seemingly endless quest to find a Baby Sabertooth.

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  • Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Overview
  • How to Get a Sand Reaper Pet
    • Gather 10 Gold
    • Go to Flotsam
    • Buy the Egg
    • Alternative Route (Find a Baby)
  • Hatching a Sand Reaper Pet
  • Types of Sand Reaper Pets
    • Foods You Can Feed Locust Spawn
    • Sand Reaper Queen (Pet)
    • Sand Reaper (Variant A)
    • Sand Reaper (Variant B)
    • Sand Reaper (Variant C)
  • Feeding a Grown Sand Reaper
    • Human Flesh
    • Exotic Flesh
    • Savoury Flesh
    • Feral Flesh
    • Putrid Meat
    • Exquisite Meat
    • Shadespiced Raw Tough Meat
    • Mystery Meat Soup
    • Black Lotus Flower
    • Grey Lotus Flower
  • Sand Reaper Enemies
    • Green Sand Reaper
    • White Sand Reaper
    • Yellow Sand Reaper
    • Corrupted Sand Reaper
    • Sand Reaper Hive Queen (Boss)
    • Sand Reaper Hive Queen (Legendary Creature)
  • FAQs
    • Question: Are Locust Spawn Aggressive?
    • Question: Did The Sand Reaper Queen Pet Get Nerfed?
    • Question: What is the Best Food for a Sand Reaper Queen?
  • Sand Reapers Deserve More
    • Related Read

A Conan Exiles Sand Reaper pet guide will procure you one of the best pets in the game. If you are tired of the trendy, basic thralls then a Sand Reaper Queen is just what you need to beat the monotony of Hyborian times.

I am a huge fan of Sabretooths because I like mammals. But there’s something about toting around a big Reaper Queen that makes me feel powerful. This is not to be confused with the much more powerful Reaper Queens from ARK. But that’s like comparing apples and oranges. Sand Reapers deserve the same love.

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Overview

  • There are four variants you can get of the Sand Reaper Pet – A, B, C, and Queen
  • You can buy a Sand Reaper Egg from a merchant at Flotsam for 10 gold coins
  • They also spawn in the wild at the Sunken City as Parasites or in the Volcano as Emissary of Abhoth
  • Hatch Locust Spawns in a Compost Heap but don’t let them expire afterwards
  • Raise Locust Spawns in an Animal Pen
  • Feed them Shadespiced Rotten Meat, Shadespiced Human Flesh, and Shadespiced Corrupted Flesh for the best chance of getting a queen
  • Savoury Flesh may grant Vitality (HP) perks to a grown Sand Reaper
  • Exquisite Meat may grant Strength perks to a grown Sand Reaper

How to Get a Sand Reaper Pet

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (3)

There are two ways to get a Sand Reaper pet. One of them is easier than the other because it’s a 100% guarantee. But you do need to do a bit of traveling to get there, and there will be pirates.

Gather 10 Gold

The first thing you need to do is get 10 Gold. Thankfully, there’s an easy place to do this right by the merchant at Buccaneer Bay. You can find chests containing gold in the water and on the decks at Buccaneer Bay.

There are other methods to get gold, such as mining Obsidian in the volcano, my number one choice, but since you’re going to Flotsam anyway, getting the gold here is a good idea.

Go to Flotsam

If you already have the gold, head to Flotsam anyway. Flotsam is in the southwest corner of Buccaneer Bay. There are six merchants here but also a few enemies, such as a guaranteed miniboss Black Corsair Elite ( And world boss Dunkas the Mad Eye.)

So be very careful and take it slow, or you’ll end up dying and having to walk all the way back. I recommend placing a bedroll outside of Flotsam in a safe area before entering this pirate cove.

Buy the Egg

Ignatius the Greedy is the merchant that sells Sand Reaper Eggs for 10 Gold Coins. He’s standing on the deck and is fairly easy to spot. Now that you have the egg, go home and start hatching because it spoils in a day.

Alternative Route (Find a Baby)

It is possible to find a Sand Reaper baby in the wild. It’s called a Locust Spawn. They spawn in the Sunken City as Parasites or in the Volcano as Emissary of Abhoth. So look for tiny creatures that you can pick up.

Hatching a Sand Reaper Pet

Sand Reaper pets are raised differently than some other pets in Conan Exiles. For some reason, Conan Exiles isn’t clear about how to hatch eggs so almost everyone has to find out online or via a friend.

To hatch a Sand Reaper egg, you can just wait. But to make it hatch much, much faster, you have to place the in a Compost Heap and wait. This will turn it into a baby Sand Reaper (Locust Spawn) in around an hour, depending on the rates. But make sure that as soon as it hatches, you grab it because it will die if you don’t put it in a pen soon. The Compost will even speed up the death timer on babies.

Types of Sand Reaper Pets

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (4)

So after you grab your Locust from the Compost Heap, place it in an Animal Pen and feed it. What you feed it will affect the chances of getting a specific type of Sand Reaper as this is decided while it’s growing, not when it hatches.

Foods You Can Feed Locust Spawn

  • Abysmal Flesh
  • Exotic Flesh
  • Exquisite Meat
  • Feral Flesh
  • Human Flesh
  • Putrid Meat
  • Savoury Flesh
  • Shadespiced Human Flesh
  • Shadespiced Corrupted Flesh
  • Shadespiced Perfect Cut of Meat
  • Shadespiced Raw Stringy Meat
  • Shadespiced Raw Succulent Meat
  • Shadespiced Raw Tough Meat
  • Shadespiced Rotten Meat

Sand Reaper Queen (Pet)

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (5)
  • Best Foods for Locust – Shadespiced Rotten Meat, Shadespiced Human Flesh, and Shadespiced Corrupted Flesh (all 14%)
  • Inventory Slots – 10
  • Health – 1004 (843 Base)
  • Damage – 46
  • Armor – 282 (78 Base)
  • Strength – 6 (10% Bonus)
  • Agility – 1 (10% Bonus)
  • Vitality – 2 (80 Bonus)
  • Grit – 6 (34 Bonus)

The Sand Reaper Queen is very rare, considered a Greater Pet. The best chance you can give your Locust Spawn is 14%. It is much stronger than the other options that your Locust Spawn can grow into and is one of the best pets all around.

Sand Reaper (Variant A)

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (6)
  • Best Foods for Locust – Exquisite Meat (90%), Exotic Flesh (85%), Savoury Flesh (80%)
  • Inventory Slots – 10
  • Health – 343 (343 Base)
  • Damage – 20
  • Armor – 75 (47 Base)
  • Strength – 0 (8% Bonus)
  • Agility – 1 (8% Bonus)
  • Vitality – 0 (66 Bonus)
  • Grit – 1 (28 Bonus)

The first Sand Reaper variant is considered the worst, and it will likely die after one decent fight unless you take it really slow. So if you get this one, I’m sorry, I hope you just wanted to add a green Sand Reaper to your collection.

Sand Reaper (Variant B)

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (7)
  • Best Foods for Locust – Shadespiced Corrupted Flesh (24%), Abysmal Flesh (20%), Human Flesh (15%)
  • Inventory Slots – 10
  • Health – 747
  • Damage – 19
  • Armor – 75
  • Agility – 1(8% Bonus)
  • Grit – (28 Bonus)

The Sand Reaper second variant is a good pet but not nearly as good as the queen. That said, it’s still quite rare with a less than 25% chance under the best circ*mstances. It shares the rusty red color that the queen has.

Sand Reaper (Variant C)

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (8)
  • Best Foods for Locust – Shadespiced Corrupted Flesh, Shadespiced Human Flesh, Shadespiced Raw Stringy Meat, Shadespiced Rotten Meat (all 14%)
  • Inventory Slots – 10
  • Health – 747
  • Damage – 19
  • Armor – 75
  • Agility – 1(8% Bonus)
  • Grit – (28 Bonus)

Despite having the same stats as Variant B, Sand Reaper C is as rare as the Sand Reaper Queen. So in short, you will most likely get Variant A and you are lucky if you get anything else.

Feeding a Grown Sand Reaper

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (9)

The Sand Reaper pet is one of the better pets in Conan Exiles. But if you want it to have the best stats possible, you need to feed it certain food. I suggest giving it strength foods, but that’s completely up to you.

Human Flesh

  • Nutrition:1HP/second
  • Strength:0
  • Agility: 7%
  • Vitality:7%
  • Grit:0

Human flesh is a decent way to increase the chance of upping Agility or Vitality but one of the worst foods on the list. The only times I use it is when I don’t have anything else because it’s super easy to get and has few uses.

Exotic Flesh

  • Nutrition:1HP/second
  • Strength:0
  • Agility:14%
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Exotic Flesh is the best way to increase the Agility of your Sand Reaper. It doesn’t do much else and is one of the worst foods for healing your Sand Reaper, but if you want to focus on Agility, then feed it this.

Savoury Flesh

  • Nutrition: 2HP/second
  • Strength:0
  • Agility:0
  • Vitality:14%
  • Grit:0

Savoury Flesh is the best way to increase the Vitality of your Sand Reaper by far. There is no food to increase the chances of getting a Grit perk, but Vitality is also difficult to get unless you use this food.

Feral Flesh

  • Nutrition: 3HP/second
  • Strength:0
  • Agility:0
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Feral Flesh is the worst food you can give your Sand Reaper, even though they eat it without question. It doesn’t do anything for leveling the pet and heals it very little, so only use it as a last resort.

Putrid Meat

  • Nutrition: 4HP/second
  • Strength:0
  • Agility:0
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Putrid Meat heals one more per second than Feral Flesh but otherwise has the same perks. So if you let the Feral Flesh spoil, it’s actually better for the Sand Reaper than feeding it as is.

Exquisite Meat

  • Nutrition:6HP/second
  • Strength: 14%
  • Agility:0
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Exquisite Meat is the best way to chance to increase the Strength of Sand Reapers as they level. The healing power of this meat is average too so it’s not a bad idea to keep it to feed your Sand Reaper.

Shadespiced Raw Tough Meat

  • Nutrition:7HP/second
  • Strength:7%
  • Agility:0
  • Vitality:7%
  • Grit:0

Shadespiced Raw Tough Meat is rare, so it’s unlikely you’ll have an excess of it. Either way, it is a good way to increase stats if you don’t care if it increases strength or vitality, but would rather not have agility.

Mystery Meat Soup

  • Nutrition:8HP/second
  • Strength:7%
  • Agility:0
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Mystery Meat Soup is one of the best healing foods for Sand Reapers and it gives a boost to the chance of getting a strength perk. It’s easy to get too because not only is it easy to make, but you can get it for 1 Silver Coin from a Merchant in Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters.

Black Lotus Flower

  • Nutrition:9HP/second
  • Strength:3%
  • Agility:3%
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Black Lotus Flowers are the second best food for Sand Reapers when it comes to healing. They don’t have many uses and can be found in the Black Garden in the Jungle. They don’t expire and can stack up to 1000, making them the perfect food to keep with you.

Grey Lotus Flower

  • Nutrition: 10 HP/second
  • Strength: 7%
  • Agility:3%
  • Vitality:0
  • Grit:0

Grey Lotus Flowers are the best healing foods for Sand Reapers at 10 health per second. That is insane healing. So insane that I don’t even care what stats it boosts. It also has few other uses, so you can farm it at The Arena and The Warmaker’s Sanctuary and feed it to your Sand Reaper without sacrificing anything.

Sand Reaper Enemies

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (10)

Sand Reapers are above average enemies in Conan Exiles. Let’s go over their stats, in case you were wondering how they compare to tamed Sand Reapers and if yours can take on a wild one.

Green Sand Reaper

  • Location – Jungle, Desert
  • HP – 407
  • Armor – 53
  • KB Defense – 25
  • Base XP – 12,600
  • Drops – Chitin, Feral Flesh, Sand Reaper Toxin Gland

Green Sand Reapers are the weakest of all the Reapers and very similar to the Variant A of the tamed Sand Reaper. It is slightly stronger but because tamed creatures have players to help out, this is an easy win.

White Sand Reaper

  • Location – Jungle, Desert
  • HP – 507
  • Armor – 55
  • KB Defense – 25
  • Base XP – 13,320
  • Drops – Chitin, Feral Flesh, Sand Reaper Toxin Gland

All Sand Reapers can spit poison, adding to their dangers. The white Sand Reaper is slightly stronger than the green version but significantly stronger than Variant A. It’s weaker than every other tamed versions.

Yellow Sand Reaper

  • Location – Jungle, Desert
  • HP – 449
  • Armor – 49
  • KB Defense – 25
  • Base XP – 11,520
  • Drops – Chitin, Feral Flesh, Sand Reaper Toxin Gland

This Sand Reaper can spit Poison and knock you down. It’s around the same strength as the white version and it would be hard to tell the difference if it weren’t for the warm tones of the yellow version.

Corrupted Sand Reaper

  • Location – Jungle, Desert
  • HP – 1658
  • Armor – 59
  • KB Defense – 25
  • Base XP – 21,600

The Corrupted Sand Reaper is an Elite version of the Sand Reaper. It’s like a miniboss that you may notice has large wings and is larger than the standard repear but smaller than the hive queens. There’s a 2% chance this will spawn instead of the standard reapers.

Sand Reaper Hive Queen (Boss)

  • Location – The Passage
  • HP – 2425
  • Armor – 84
  • KB Defense – 25
  • Base XP – 38,880
  • Drops – Broken Scourgestone Piece, Chitin, Feral Flesh, Sand Reaper Toxin Gland

The miniboss in The Passage is a strong creature but isn’t a tough fight due to it not being quite as tanky as most Legendary Creatures. It is also super easy to interrupt. The biggest danger is the crowd of spiders than fight with it.

Sand Reaper Hive Queen (Legendary Creature)

  • Location – Oasis of Nekhet, Upper Staging Area, Voyager’s Vigil
  • HP – 13,760
  • Armor – 78
  • KB Defense – 25
  • Base XP – 99,000
  • Drops – Chitin, Feral Flesh, Sand Reaper Toxin Gland, Skeleton Key

The Sand Reaper Hive Queen that is a Legendary Creature looks the same as the miniboss at the Passage. The only difference is this one is much stronger. Fighting her isn’t that different because she’s easy to dodge, but it’s not a good idea to get hit by her.


Question: Are Locust Spawn Aggressive?

Answer: Yes. Unlike other babies, Locust Spawn will attack other creatures that aren’t Sand Reapers. But they are safe if they’re in the Animal Pen, which is where you should keep them.

Question: Did The Sand Reaper Queen Pet Get Nerfed?

Answer: Yes. It’s been through ups and downs, having been nerfed and then buffed again multiple times. It’s still a valid pet, but unless it gets a huge buff, it’s not as good as a thrall.

Question: What is the Best Food for a Sand Reaper Queen?

Answer: Grey Lotus Flowers are the best healing food for Reaper Queens. For leveling, I recommend Savoury Flesh or Exquisite Meat, which may grant Vitality (HP) or Strength buffs respectively.

Sand Reapers Deserve More

Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (11)

Sand Reapers are strong, but they deserve to be stronger than a thrall. But the truth is, a good T4 thrall will always be better than a max-level pet, even a Greater one like a Sand Reaper Queen.

My wish is that developers change this and give pets a chance to shine. Sure, Sand Reapers and Sabretooth are nice to have by your side, but no one is going to turn down a T4 RHTS in favor of one, and that’s devasting.

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Conan Exiles Sand Reaper Pet Guide: Get Yourself a Poison Queen - Conan Fanatics (2024)


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